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Hall of Fame

INCOSE UK Presidents Award

Awarded 2024 - Ian Gibson

Ian has devoted many years to supporting INCOSE UK in various Council Roles and has been an inspiration to those who have worked with him. He was, of course, the inspiration behind the initiative for INCOSE UK to become the Institute for Systems Engineering. Thank you Ian.

Awarded 2022 - Steven Turner

In recognition of his dedication and admirable work ethic in making sure that INCOSE UK’s professional registration activities and obligations have been delivered to a high standard since he took on the role of Professional Development Director. Knowing that this critical part of our operation as a Professional Engineering Institution is in safe hands has enabled me to focus on other areas during my presidency, whilst still supporting where needed.

Awarded 2020 - Professor Jon Holt

The 2020 Presidents award goes to Professor Jon Holt for demonstrating a combination of innovation and integrity throughout my two years as President. He is often the ‘check and balance’ in Council - pushing back when he feels we might not have considered potential alternatives. In 2018, when INCOSE UK was concerned about the financial projections, he was adamant that we should not impact member benefit but instead look for opportunities to increase our revenue. He subsequently proposed and delivered on two ranges of publications, as well as the new Endorsed Training Provider Scheme. When INCOSE UK was hit by the loss of the route to Professional Registration as an affiliate, he was the first to throw his support behind the idea of applying for our own License.

He is also the only person ever to force me to leave a meeting because I was laughing too hard to be able to speak!

Jon is a well known character throughout INCOSE UK, but with that comes an incredible work ethic. He is a worthy recipient of this reward.

Awarded 2019 - Professor Philip Savvides

Phil took the role of Financial Director in November 2016, the first new director in this position for 16 years. He had the insight to see that the INCOSE UK financial model and pattern of investment was cause for concern, and had the courage of his convictions to make his case to the President.

He then provided enormous input into generating a new financial model alongside the President and Company Secretary; as well as identifying where his own field could make cost savings and making those savings happen. It is thanks to Phil that the 2016-2018 President was able to drive the cost model turnaround; enabling INCOSE UK to move from consistent predicted loss to a stable financial position.

INCOSE UK Diversity & Inclusion Award

Awarded 2024 - Sarah Bryson

Sarah has been an outstanding champion for Diversity & Inclusion within the practise of Systems Engineering (SE). She has done this through successfully recruiting, coaching and mentoring new systems engineers drawn from more diverse backgrounds and through engaging, with enthusiasm and empathy, colleagues from sectors and disciplines that have not traditionally associated with INCOSE or its body of knowledge. She has constructively challenged recruitment norms, siloed processes and exclusionary language perpetuated by individual disciplines (Including the SE discipline!) to make the ‘transdisciplinary approach’, that is meant to define SE, into a reality that is accessible to intelligible by and inclusive of all disciplines. Her efforts have led to tangible results including improved trans-disciplinary working, significant improvements in the diversity of our SE team (in several dimensions including gender, race and educational background) and more diverse membership and engagement with INCOSE UK resources. She has even motivated colleagues from outside the SE team in our company’s most recent staff atitude survey! (A Peakon score of 86%, 12% above the average for our company’s group).

As the comms and knowledge management Lead for the INCOSE UK Energy Systems Interest group, Sarah ahs promoted more diverse participation from colleagues with the nuclear sector. Sarah is also an active member of Women in Nuclear and our company’s Gender Balance Network, sharing n the longterm credit for the significant advances made by these networks.

INCOSE UK Early Careers Forum (ECF) Emerging Talent Award

Awarded 2024 - Fatima Hanif

Details of why I, the nominator, believe that the nominee should be awarded for their contribution to the Systems Engineering profession as an early-careers engineer, including details of the areas of INCOSE UK which have benefitted from their work:

Fatima is a dedicated Systems Engineer and has proven her growth throughout her professional experience. Fatima recently obtaining her CSEP INCOSE certification shows her willingness to continuously develop in the ever-evolving world of Systems Engineering.

Having obtained her bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from Pakistan, Fatima then pursed her professional career by moving to Dubai and worked as Design and Estimation engineer. Throughout her time, she developed both her personal and professional skills which led her to land an opportunity as a Systems Engineer at Capgemini UK. This journey highlights her passion to thrive as a systems engineer whilst being a STEM ambassador. Fatima was also involved in one of the publications with INCOSE UK (“Extending Industrial MBSE with Semantic Integration”) which she co-authored with her colleagues at Capgemini Engineering.

Fatima is an exceptional and talented Systems Engineer. She started working at Capgemini in 2022. She already had her ASEP certification when she arrived and had worked in the hospitality hotel industry. As an electrical system designer, she applied system engineering and project management skills in the projects she worked on for 5 years prior to working for Capgemini. While at Capgemini, she has since rapidly increased her skills in MBSE and the use of modelling and ontologies to address key digital engineering issues. In less than 2 years, she has worked in Rail, aerospace and now automotive projects. She is capable of successfully communicating systems engineering at a wide range of clients.

Her passion is to bring MBSE to the Hospitality industry. She has been a leader in this area at Capgemini in the UK and has received the attention of some of our Capgemini Intelligent Industry Team. Fatima is always looking for new ways to expand her professional experience. She recently obtained her CSEP INCOSE certification ahead of her peers. Her interest is in digital engineering.

INCOSE UK Outstanding Service Award

In 2014, the INCOSE UK Outstanding Service Awards were introduced. This award recognises our members who have contributed significant volunteer time and made a difference to INCOSE UK. Results are announced at the yearly Annual Systems Engineering Conference.

Awarded 2023 - Amelia Jephson

Amelia has received this award due to her exceptional leadership of INCOSE UK’s Early Careers Forum (ECF). Amelia successfully grow the ECF during a global pandemic and seized the opportunity to capitalise on the online environment through ECF’s widely successful INCOSE Handbook Series, to help members in their studies for ASEP and CSEP, via talks from UKAB members. Amelia championed the ECF’s involvement at ASEC 2022, organising the inaugural ECF Workshop which continues for its second year at ASEC 2023, and ensuring that ASEC remains as accessible as possible to early careers engineers via the provision of free attendance to this activity. Amelia’s dedication and passion for the needs of the members have ensured that ECF is cemented as a core component of INCOSE UK, providing an easily accessible on-ramp into the world of professional development, registration and certification.

Awarded 2023 - Peter Graham

Peter accomplished outstanding work supporting the team as Program Chair of the INCOSE EMEA WSEC 2023! I fully recommend him for any project, he is a trustworthy person, with a high level of compromise and engagement in his role. He is an extraordinary person and a remarkable engineer! His participation in the organization team made it possible to have a successful event!

Awarded 2022 - Beth Fitzpatrick

In recognition of her work taking on the role as the Chair for Student Outreach for the EMEA Workshop in 2021, and ongoing support to the EMEA Workshop/Systems Engineering Conference to be held in 2023. Beth’s involvement on the international stage has gained her many favourable opinions and should act as a launching point for further engagement in the future.

Awarded 2022 - James Towers

James devoted many years as Chair of the MBSE Working Group during which the group has prospered and contributed greatly to the enhancement of INCOSE UK’s reputation. His leadership has seen the group grow to become one of the most active and largest of our groups. Even through the pandemic the group continued to thrive.

Awarded 2022 - Ian Clark

Ian expended considerable energy to the formation of the MBSE Interest Group, a spin off from the MBSR Working Group, so that those with an interest in MBSE could meet and engage in discussion rather than develop products. His leadership of the group meant that it continued to prosper through the pandemic.

Awarded 2021 - Alan Harding

Significant contributions to supporting INCOSE UK’s Professional Registration service throughout 2021.

Awarded 2021 - Architecture Working Group

Continuing to promote the value of Systems Architecture throughout the COVID 19 pandemic through engagement with its members, collaboration with the International Working Group and the development of publications. They are also engaged with the MBSE WG exploring the relationship between MBSE and Architecture.

Awarded 2021 - David Dean

Significant contributions to supporting INCOSE UK’s Professional Registration service throughout 2021.

Awarded 2021 - Energy Systems Interest Group

Remaining active throughout the COVID 19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and producing Z Guide 14 and organising a COP 26 Panel Session: "A Systems Approach to the Energy Transition to Net Zero”. Both of these activities have furthered the promotion of Systems Engineering in the achievement of Net Zero.

Awarded 2021 - MBSE Working Group

Enthusiastically continuing with both the Interest and Working group aspects throughout the COVID 19 pandemic. With over 300 members this allows the group to provide a forum for furthering interest and understanding in MBSE as well as the production of publications and engaging in other initiatives. One of these initiatives, the relationship between MBSE and Architecture, is being run jointly with the Architecture Working Group.

Awarded 2021 - Peter Moore

Significant contributions to supporting INCOSE UK’s Professional Registration service throughout 2021.

Awarded 2021 - Rail Interest Group

Continuing to keep their members engaged through a series of virtual meetings during the COVID 19 pandemic. They have used this to their advantage by linking up with the INCOSE Transportation Working Group to provide joint presentations. They have also been instrumental in INCOSE UK becoming an Industry Partner for the HS2 Learning Legacy, thus continuing the promotion of Systems Engineering practice and raising the profile of INCOSE UK.

Awarded 2020 - Michael Wilkinson

“Making a significant contribution to INCOSE UK, as volunteer of long standing. He served as President from 2010 to 2012 and has continued his support as a Co-Chair of the INCOSE UK Architectures Working Group. Along with his fellow chair, he is a force behind both the group’s success and the papers and products that have resulted from it. In addition to this he has also made a sustained contribution to the wider INCOSE Organisation, particularly in the field of Systems Architecture”

Awarded 2020 - Tim Rabbets

“Making a significant contribution to INCOSE UK, as volunteer of long standing. He a Co-Chair of the INCOSE UK Architectures Working Group, and along with his fellow chair, he is a force behind not only the group’s success but the papers and products that have resulted from it. He regularly engages in a professional capacity in topics such as standards development and is rightly recognized as an expert in the field of Systems Architecture.

Awarded 2019 - Stephen Gregory and Kevan Boll

Their support of the INCOSE UK certification examination process throughout 2019. Providing a suitable venue for the exams held in June and September 2019 resulted in 23 members accessing the paper examination with 18 going on to become certified. The support of participants in their experience before and during the day meant that INCOSE UK were able to offer an enhanced experience to members and further consolidate INCOSE UK’s strength and development in the Systems Engineering Professional Programme.

Awarded 2019 - Simon Perry

Making a significant contribution to INCOSE UK, not only in terms of its knowledge base and financial viability, but as volunteer of long standing. He is a significant contributor to the MBSE Working Group, being a driving force behind not only the group’s success but the papers and products that have resulted from it. In addition, he has accepted a formal volunteer role as Series Editor on the Don’t Panic series of books where he has previously been working behind the scenes. More recently he suggested the creation of the Conference Proceedings and put in a huge amount of volunteer effort to ensure their success.

Awarded 2018 - Railway Interest Group

I believe the RIG deserve an award as they have regularly held monthly interest group meetings for the last 3-4 years in the London area, minimal support from INCOSE UK. The events have been publicised and organised by RIG members. Attendance at these meetings have steadily grown and resulted in fruitful partnerships with organisations such as the IRSE. This has resulted in the promotion of good Systems Engineering practice and raising the INCOSE profile.

Awarded 2018 - Michael Morua

Mike has organised and hosted a joint IRSE-INCOSE UK RIG conference at the University of Birmingham. This is following the success of the same event last year, and achieved attendance of 100 people, with a waiting list of people to attend. This has been with support of INCOSE UK RIG, but minimal support from INCOSE UK to fund or publicise this.

Awarded 2018 - Karl King

Since the last ASEC, Karl has taken on the role of RIG secretary, keeping on top of organising RIG activities and communicating these with RIG attendees. Karl has also organised a joint IRSE-INCOSE UK RIG conference at the University Birmingham. This is following the success of the same event last year, and achieved attendance of 100 people, with a waiting list of people keen to attend. This has been with support of INCOSE UK RIG, but minimal support from INCOSE UK to fund or publicise this. Karl is now seeking to run this as a regular annual INCOSE UK Event.

Awarded 2017 - Model Based Systems Engineering Working Group

This group continues to go from strength to strength and has been so hugely successful that they have now made the decision to split into two. As a group they prioritise engagement and regularly command large turnouts at meetings. They also make it an objective that at least 1 paper a year is put forward for ASEC and as a result disseminate knowledge and expertise throughout the INCOSE UK community.

Awarded 2017 - Bristol Local Group

For consistently striving to maintain the continuity of the group through delivery of high quality, interesting events.

Awarded 2015 - Alan Mothersole, John Lomax, Gary Smith, Adam Cannell, Doug Cowper, Steve Ray & Gary White

Without these individuals we could not have made the INCOSE UK online certification an entirely UK process. They have volunteered to review the first UK CSEPs and also to help ensure the review process was fit for purpose, often encountering understandable though frustrating and time consuming teething problems. Some have taken reviews back to back in order to ensure that we can keep moving forward with Certification in the UK.

Awarded 2014 - Andrew Farncombe

For outstanding technical leadership of the UK Chapter over eleven years including Technical Events and Working Groups.

Awarded 2014 - Bruce Elliot

For leadership and commitment to the Railway Interest Group over many years, and his contribution to the In-Service Systems Working Group.

Awarded 2014 - Duncan Kemp

For significant contributions in Technical Working Groups, the professionalisation of Systems Engineering, and his contribution on behalf of UK to INCOSE's Systems Engineering Vision 2025.

INCOSE UK Volunteer Awards

Awarded 2024 - Akin Adegbenro

Akin led INCOSE UK Early Careers Forum's (ECF) first-ever Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) study group this year. Attempting to distil the spirit and letter of the INCOSE Handbook into weekly after-work online sessions was no mean feat, requiring extensive time spent creating slide decks, practice questions and even a mock exam. The feedback for this has been excellent, and is already in further demand. Akin's passion, presentation skills, tenacity and drive made this possible, and he is a credit to INCOSE UK and the Systems Engineering profession.

Awarded 2024 - Rob Black

Rob has shown clear leadership over driving Systems Engineering in to Sellafield Ltd. He has championed CSEP and ASEP in the company and mentored many people to achieve this. His leadership is inspirational and has also helped to reliven the Northwest group through his Chairmanship. It has turned the group into a vibrant cross cutting multi industry group. Rob has also taken on writing a book further pushing INCOSE awareness.